#hiking #nature #breathe #trees #reflection #risk #partner #marriage #comfortzone #memorialday #grateful #chargepond #mylesstandish #dcr #hikingwithdogs #vizsla
This morning I got lost in the woods in Myles Standish and my 2 mile walk became 5. I highly encourage this sort of thing sometimes. I didn't do it on purpose, but I'm glad it happened. We ended up finding a nice brook for Rosie to cool off in.

And it’s not like the extra few miles were going to hurt me on a beautiful day like today. And the only thing I am late for is yard work. So I got to thinking about other times I have been lost: literally, but also mentally and spiritually.
What came to mind for me today, was how it is Memorial Day weekend, a time where we should be grateful for our freedom, as Americans. But also, it's a time to have cookouts and spend time with family, as this is a tradition for many that kicks-off Summer in New England, and on the Cape. I started thinking of how 9 years ago this weekend, I met my now husband, Tim's family at a cookout they were having at their home on the Cape. Tim and I had only been dating for a few weeks, and all at once I met a good chunk of his family. I remember being nervous! Today, I thought about the months leading up to Tim and I dating, and how it was very difficult at the beginning of the year for me, personally. He had been struggling as well. Even though he lived on the Cape, and I was just west of Boston, we both decided to pursue the friendship that turned into a relationship. I can't help but be incredibly grateful for having Tim in my life. I have learned so much from him in many ways, over the years, especially with his perseverance and incredible level of patience. I don't like trite expressions, but I am at the point of my life where I feel like sayings become trite for a reason. Tim and I met for a reason. Here I go -you've heard this before: 1) Everything happens for a reason. We were both struggling in our careers and life when we started our friendship. We forced ourselves through the struggle, while remaining by each other's side. And, this one really is true also: 2) Our falling for each other happened when we least expected it. Having a supportive partner is a gift that shouldn't be taken for granted. Life gets busy and hard sometimes, but when something is meant to be, you have to pause, and put the necessary work into it. Being grateful and communicating it is part of keeping the relationship strong.
Being type A and a constant planner is a side effect of my career as a project manager and what makes me good at my job. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! We all need a break from our typical thought process sometimes though, whether it's via meditation, worship, or anything to bring us away from ourselves. Nature makes me think freely and getting lost in it almost always leads me to something beautiful, like a peaceful brook or a (hopefully non-predatory) wild animal, and sometimes, it can lead me to a paradigm shift or small epiphany. You never know.
